
hello, i’m silas.


I’m an experienced business operator, product strategist, photographer, and entrepreneur. My career has been far from traditional.


However, throughout all my endeavors, my focus has always been on the intersection between technology and the people it serves. As an entrepreneur and business consultant, I have overseen the growth and development of media startups, production companies, apparel brands, e-commerce apps, and cannabis platforms

I’ve co-founded several startups (PROPER as Head of Brand & Content, Krush as Head of Product, and SUMOSkinny as President), as well as assisted and consulted with numerous others (Leafly as Project Manager Consultant, MakeWild Films, and ModelKarma). I also take pictures (for work and fun).

I have experience in business development, management, publishing, marketing, and design. I’m a startup consultant, operator, and product manager.

When I’m not working, I can be found drinking coffee, at the beach surfing, in the mountains snowboarding, somewhere camping, or out walking my dog Alastor.

Interested in working together?